Alex Ozer

lerp(life, work, random())


Portrait photo of me sitting at a table, with a half-eaten delicious-looking bagel sandwich and a can of strawberry lemonade Spindrift

I'm Alex , welcome to my personal website! I'm new to having one of these, so cut me some slack, alright?

On the technical side, I'm a guy that likes to explore the many possibilities of software across a variety of domains. I've done robotics, compilers, graphics, physics, game development, embedded, and reverse engineering work in the past. I also admire programming languages (strong statically typed ones in particular), and appreciate good tools.

I strongly value openness, inventiveness, and finding passion in what you do. I absolutely don't live up to these every day, but I'm trying to improve!

Some fun facts I guess:

I currently live just outside of Boston - looking to make new friends in the area!